Thursday, April 20, 2006

Organizational Meeting Follow-Up

We just had our first organizational meeting at Hank's Hacienda on 54th Street. I figured we could swing by The Colbert Report afterward and continue our protests, but I was the only person who showed. (Blaine? Where were you? I was in the back next to the potted ocotillo. I can only assume you came in while I was in the bathroom, didn't see me, and left. I was in the bathroom a long time. Don't order the fish tacos!) The meeting proceeded anyway, and the current organization looks like this:

S.C.U.C. Officers

Publicity officer---Blaine

Blaine, this means you're in charge of putting together posters next time we have a protest, and for bringing snacks so we don't pass out. (I like carrot sticks.) If you're reading this, just give me a call, or if you've forgotten my number, just swing by work---they're moving me to the front counter! I bought a notebook we can keep minutes in. You should really have it.

Next up: more pictures from the rally!
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